Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Ciao Bella & Mariachis

Bella ! 
I ruined this photo!
So I'm sure many of you are wondering why this post is titled Ciao Bella.. (which I stole from Cam because I thought it was cutesy. ) But On monday this week it was a sad little day, Bella didnt die! shes live and well but we gave her away to our tico dads grandparents who live on the beach in Herradura. 3 dogs in the house was just becoming too much going on, we have all grown affectionate of Bella, some more than others ( Anabel not so much) but she was literally an explosion of energy who liked to poop in our shower! lol She has  grown soo much since the day we got her, and overall she was a healthy puppy and a joy to be around. It was pretty sudden , that we found out she was going away.. It was kind of a push and pull, we were all convinced she was going home with Cam, who was basically her mom lol .. but after a LONG and emotional talk through .. and I mean LONGGGG she decided it would be best for bella to go to Herradura. So we're back to 2 dogs, things are way more quieter now .

Me & kenneth (Tico dad) dancing Merengue!
On the brighter side monday we had a graduation extravaganza for my Mama ticas graduation in her Masters degree. We had her friends and family over for some bbq and drinks and a Mariachi band also !  My tico parents can salsa and bachata like no other ! tooo cute ! I want all of us to go out dancing one night ! It would be fun ! They met dancing at a local club her called Castros bar, how cute is that ? They dont dance as much anymore because they are always so busy , and obviously Monse always wants to join in lol  was a blast ! we danced and jammed out to the Mariachis and sang to some backstreet boys, yes even my mama tica ! lol She had a real fun time, realll fun with the Guaro ;] lol aka the wine ! it was awesome. Monse wants to know when we will be having another fiesta !


My Tico parents chefing it up !

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