Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Don't think just do it ! Bungee Jumping

So on Saturday I did the craziest thing I've ever done in these 20 years of life .. I went bungee jumping! Since  I set foot in costa Rica I knew I was going to be petrified of doing it , and that I was probably going to cry but that I HAD to go bungee jumping before I left. I'd go to bed at night thinking about it and I would cringe and I was thinking to myself  "how in the world am I gonna pull this off?"

As the end of my study abroad experience came closer , Anabel & I finally booked our reservations at Tropical bungee. We managed to convince to get Mason , a classmate of ours to join us and help us keep our cool on the shuttle to the bungee office. The day had come ! As i signed my life away I was taking deep breaths, trying to convince myself I was gonna be okay , and then thats when we arrived to the bridge with the platform and my jaw dropped .

We were joined by Karrie, James & Doreen on this adventure . Doreen and James were a power couple from NYC and when I say power couple I kid you not .. a optometrist and a anesthesiologist ! They were young and ready to take CR by storm as was Karrie who was on spring break from LA , but she's from Connecticut. I couldn't have asked for a better group to have gone bungee with !  

the bottom ! Rio colorado 262 Ft.
Tropical bungee is in Naranjo, Costa Rica .. about an hour from San Jose. It is one of the top 10 best bungees in the world , with a 262 ft free fall. yes, 2 6 2 Feet ! We were greeted by jump masters Willy and Berto who were great ! They made sure we were aware that were were first off safe - and secondly gonna have a great time! They were very encouraging, especially Willy , because God knows I was ready to get off that platform and cry when the time came to jump.

Anabel didn't do much thinking... as she went first ! she got suited up , was trembling like crazy , once up on the platform she dint even give them a chance to count down ... she dove off  right away ! Lol
she got that over with real fast ! I , on the other hand went last ... (at least I knew that this equipment was working properly , since everyone else survived lol ). I got up there and made a mistake .. I looked DOWN ! I was freaking outttttttttt ! But there was no turning back ! I had to jump off .. I wiped my sweaty palms off on the side of my jeans , closed my eyes ... and just jumped off on the count down. before you realize it you're hanging upside down.. and losing a shoe.. yes i lost a shoe ! lol this was the comical part of the experience. I was just laying there upside down laughing at what I had just done.

For those few seconds you just have to shut your brain off, and go for it. The drop is only like 3 seconds and the whole experience is about a minute long , but it feels so much longer than that as your falling full speed, face first towards rocks trees and Oh, a River ! lol
 Bungee jumping is PURA VIDA TO THE MAX! 100% adrenaline for sure. Once you get it over with you cant believe yourself and you feel capable of all things on earth !

Here in Costa Rica I have experienced what it means to be alive in all shapes and forms. That feeling you get when you inhale deeply ad fill your lungs, and the satisfaction regained when you exhale..

how often we take it all for granted. Every breath is a new opportunity

When I first arrived in Costa Rica and told my Tico dad I was contemplating bungee jumping he encouraged me to do it , he told me " that knot you feel in your stomach , an those butterflies you get when your falling .. thats nothing but you feeling ALIVE"

So here I am Alive and Well . and loving every second of it .....

Anabel, Mason & I

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